It’s uncanny how perfect the topic is when you open It IS A New World After All to any page. There are 44 topics in this unique “expanded topic” format. Each topic begins with the word that names the topic, then a quote, next a poem, and finally an essay.

The messages in It IS A New World After All inspire the reader to activate a deeper aspect of self, thus empowering one’s innermost being. These essential messages are simple and practical, yet deep and profound.

When you read It IS A New World After All you realize that you are not alone. These are universal experiences and revelations that we are having in this unique period of human evolution. Take heart – if we’re going crazy, we’re going together!

We’ve been called to live on this planet at this time to live in an era where the discovery of our true Divinity is essential to our very survival. It IS A New World After All guides one to discover deeper perspectives on day to day living, and helps to shift our perspective from victim to creator. We are learning to rise above all circumstances with a higher vibration and anchored in compassion—we miraculously see Truth and rise above all adversaries to win the final victory.

How would you like to understand consciousness so well, that you could skip to a new reality and create a better world? It starts with a new awareness. As empowered beings, we can and will change the reality of our circumstances. It IS A New World After All invites us all to begin with a new world vision and infuse it with all the love and compassion we have in our hearts.

There are many topics covered in It IS A New World After All. Certainly you will find something that will hold much value to your life. Share it with others and watch the miracles unfold!

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Price: $17.99